字典 法国 - 英语

Français - English

informer 用英语:

1. acquaint acquaint

Did you acquaint him with the fact?
I must acquaint myself with the details of the new plan.
On your first day in the office, just acquaint yourself with all the tasks, and then you can start properly tomorrow.
Acquaint a newcomer with the rules of the club.
Through the internet, we are now able to acquaint ourselves, deeply and in detail, with the mental activities of even the furthest people on the planet.
Let's acquaint her with our decision immediately.
This class is designed to acquaint students with the region's most important writers.
It is a matter of fact that cannot be denied by anyone acquainted with the subject.
get acquainted with rules
The museum offers workshops to acquaint children with the world of radio.
"I need to acquaint myself with the new regulations. May I be bold to acquaint his Grace you are gone about it? "
I want you to acquaint yourself with the work of all the departments over the next week.
I knew it would be useless to acquaint my elders with any such plan.
I acquaint myself with the book
Let me acquaint you with our new employee.

英语 单词“informer“(acquaint)出现在集合中:

Fiches du livre - "Legend of Moulin Huet" (Lizzie ...
Fiches du livre - "A Tale of Red Pekin" (Constanci...
Fiches du livre - "The Perjur'd Husband" (Susanna ...
Fiches du livre - "What Every Singer Should Know" ...
Fiches du livre - "He Walked Around the Horses" (H...

2. to inform to inform

to inform about the resignation
I want to inform you about

英语 单词“informer“(to inform)出现在集合中:

School and education - École et éducation
500 most important French verbs 176 - 200
Les 500 verbes anglais les plus courants 176 - 200
Słownictwo francuskie 1301-1350
Mass media and means of communication - Les médias...

3. apprise apprise

英语 单词“informer“(apprise)出现在集合中:

Fiches du livre - "The Girl in His Mind" (Robert F...
Fiches du livre - "History of the Second Massachus...
Fiches du livre - "Correspondence, between the lat...