字典 法国 - 英语

Français - English

désormais 用英语:

1. henceforward

英语 单词“désormais“(henceforward)出现在集合中:

Fiches du livre - "Ingres" (A. J. Finberg)
Fiches du livre - "Watteau" (C. Lewis Hind)
Fiches du livre - "Physiology" (M. Foster)
Fiches du livre - "André" (William Dunlap)
Fiches du livre - "The Vikings" (Allen Mawer)

2. from now on

You'll be strong from now on, because you have a gun.
tickets will be cheaper from now on

英语 单词“désormais“(from now on)出现在集合中:

grammaire chapitre 1
banglour India
Phrases en Francais

3. henceforth

Tuesday, October 29, 1929 was henceforth known as “Black Tuesday.”
for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed
Uncle, henceforth all your worries are mine!

英语 单词“désormais“(henceforth)出现在集合中:

Fiches du livre - "'Jesus Himself'" (Andrew Murray)
Fiches du livre - "Illustrations of The Book of Jo...
Fiches du livre - "The Soldier and Death A Russian...