字典 法国 - 英语

Français - English

cabriolet 用英语:

1. chaise chaise

We’ve got a barbeque and table and chairs and I actually want to get a few nice teak chaise lounge chairs to put out there and then I definitely want to do some nice flowers and plants this year.

英语 单词“cabriolet“(chaise)出现在集合中:

Fiches du livre - "Fontainbleau" (John O'Keeffe)
Fiches du livre - "'My Beloved Poilus'" (Anonymous)
Fiches du livre - "Francezka" (Molly Elliot Seawell)
Fiches du livre - "The Haunted Room A Tale" (A. L....
Fiches du livre - "Minnie's Pet Dog" (Madeline Les...