字典 法国 - 英语

Français - English

boire 用英语:

1. to drink to drink

What do you want to drink?
Do you want to drink some wine?
What would you like to drink?
There was a poster of her urging all the passers-by to drink milk.
I'd like to drink some water.
I would like somerhing non-alcoholic to drink.

英语 单词“boire“(to drink)出现在集合中:

drinks in French – les boissons en français
French meals - les noms des repas en français
Food and drink - Nourriture et boissons
500 most important French verbs 401 - 425
Fiches du livre - "Georgian Folk Tales" (Unknown)

2. quaff quaff

We stopped at a bar and quaffed a few beers

英语 单词“boire“(quaff)出现在集合中:

Fiches du livre - "Poems" (Samuel Rogers)
Fiches du livre - "Mice & Other Poems" (Gerald Bul...
Fiches du livre - "The White Wampum" (E. Pauline J...
Fiches du livre - "Jack The Giant Killer" (Perciva...
Fiches du livre - "Welsh Poems and Ballads" (Georg...

3. imbibe

He imbibed elements of oriental mysticism from the years he spent in India.
She imbibed vast quantities of coffee.

英语 单词“boire“(imbibe)出现在集合中:

Fiches du livre - "April Fools A farce in one act ...
Fiches du livre - "The Travels and Extraordinary A...
Fiches du livre - "Experiments and Observations on...
Fiches du livre - "Experiments and Observations on...