字典 法国 - 英语

Français - English

absent 用英语:

1. absenting

英语 单词“absent“(absenting)出现在集合中:

Fiches du livre - "The Outcaste" (F. E. Penny)
Fiches du livre - "His Masterpiece" (Emile Zola)
Fiches du livre - "A Simple Story" (Mrs. Inchbald)
Fiches du livre - "William the Third" (H. D. Traill)
Fiches du livre - "A Texas Matchmaker" (Andy Adams)

2. absented

Father absented himself from work yesterday.
He absented himself from classes.
We absented ourselves from school.
I absented myself from school yesterday.
She absented herself from class.
He may have absented himself from school the day before yesterday.
She absented herself from the lesson.
I absented myself from the meeting.
On account of illness he absented himself from school.

英语 单词“absent“(absented)出现在集合中:

Fiches du livre - "Different Girls" (Various)
Fiches du livre - "Olivia in India" (O. Douglas)
Fiches du livre - "Silver Cross" (Mary Johnston)
Fiches du livre - "James Watt" (Andrew Carnegie)
Fiches du livre - "Viscount Dundee" (Louis A. Barbé)