字典 法国 - 英语

Français - English

épuisé 用英语:

1. exhausted

I'm exhausted.
Exhausted from a day's work, he went to bed much earlier than usual.
Lack of food had left him weak and exhausted.
He slept for only two hours and awoke exhausted.
By the time they reached the summit they were exhausted.
After ten hours at work I am exhausted. I’m waiting for The weekend.
What would you have to do if you were exhausted after having cyclec uphill for an hour?
You’re going to be exhausted with all that windsurfing.
You look exhausted. I think you should slow down a bit and try to relax.
The explorers walked in the jungle all day and were exhausted by the evening.
They've walked a long way today so they'll probably be absolutely exhausted.
The exhausted climbers were rescued by helicopter.
It's been a difficult and long day at work. I am exhausted now and need to lie down.
The exhausted tourists had to stop for a break at a local restaurant.
I'm exhausted! I just want to go home, take a bath, and go to bed.

英语 单词“épuisé“(exhausted)出现在集合中:

Fiches du livre - "L'Aiglon" (Edmond Rostand)
Fiches du livre - "Starved Rock" (Edgar Lee Masters)
Fiches du livre - "A Connecticut Yankee in King Ar...
Des sentiments
Life - La vie