字典 西班牙语 - 英语

español - English

volver 用英语:

1. to come back to come back

英语 单词“volver“(to come back)出现在集合中:

La rutina diaria y verbos irregulares
In the city - En la ciudad
pronto / dentro de poco
foundations of spanish 3
Vacations part 2

2. to return to return

I'd like to return this skirt.
I would like to return this shirt. I tried it on at home and it is too small.

英语 单词“volver“(to return)出现在集合中:

verbo irregulares (inventir)

3. go back

No! I don't wanna go back to school! -I know, honey, I know... But you have to. -Why? -Because you're a teacher!
The records in the office go back ten years
I’m tired. Can we go back home now?
After lunch I go back to the kitchen.
It's late. We have to go back.
Let's go back to 2006
[It started to rain, so we decided to go back.]
I'll never go back to my old school.
Some days I wish I could go back in life. Not to change anything, but to feel a few things twice.

英语 单词“volver“(go back)出现在集合中:

TOEFL - Phrasal verbs 76 - 100
Phrasal verbs más comunes
activity vocab