字典 西班牙语 - 英语

español - English

propietario 用英语:

1. proprietor's

英语 单词“propietario“(proprietor's)出现在集合中:

Fichas del libro - "My Life" (Josiah Flynt)
Fichas del libro - "Mrs. Fitz" (J. C. Snaith)
Fichas del libro - "The Belfry" (May Sinclair)
Fichas del libro - "Once to Every Man" (Larry Evans)
Fichas del libro - "A Crooked Mile" (Oliver Onions)

2. proprietor

a hotel proprietor
My father is the proprietor of this restaurant.
Irish International Side’s just put in an order for seven of these beauties!” the proprietor of the shop told the crowd
The proprietor of Hekman's Windows is Nels Hekman, grandson of the people who established the factory
As proprietor of a magic shop, I propose we fight them.
The proprietor of the store worked at the head of his employees.

英语 单词“propietario“(proprietor)出现在集合中:

Fichas del libro - "The Statute of Anne" (Anno Oct...
Fichas del libro - "Going into Society" (Charles D...
Fichas del libro - "The Bull Calf and Other Tales"...
Fichas del libro - "Reminiscences of Epping Forest...
Fichas del libro - "The Gourmet's Guide to Europe"...

3. proprietorial

英语 单词“propietario“(proprietorial)出现在集合中:

Fichas del libro - "A Wedding Trip" (Emilia Pardo ...
Fichas del libro - "Lady Kilpatrick" (Robert Bucha...
Fichas del libro - "A Journalists Note-Book" (Fran...
Fichas del libro - "Mrs. Thompson A Novel" (Willia...
Fichas del libro - "Spinster of This Parish" (Will...