字典 西班牙语 - 英语

español - English

prevenir 用英语:

1. to prevent to prevent

That will help to prevent the situation worsening
Several studies show that drinking coffee helps to prevent some illnesses.
to prevent accidents/crime
You should make sure the leg is supported to prevent unnecessary movement.
They couldn't do anything to prevent the problem.
It's better to prevent than to cure.

英语 单词“prevenir“(to prevent)出现在集合中:

las principales causas de muerte en el mundo
500 most important Spanish verbs 451 - 475
500 verbos más importantes en inglés 301 - 325
Law and crime - Ley y delitos
Law and Crime - Ley y Delitos

2. forewarn forewarn

英语 单词“prevenir“(forewarn)出现在集合中:

Fichas del libro - "The Enchiridion" (Epictetus)
SONDAY 5th Grade Lesson 5
Fichas del libro - "The Unforseen Return" (Jean-Fr...
Fichas del libro - "Tristan and Isolda Opera in Th...
Fichas del libro - "The American Missionary -- Vol...

3. forestall forestall

Using the best practices can forestall customers mistakes.
Achmed’s insurer will be actively scanning the surroundings looking for polluters it can forestall.

英语 单词“prevenir“(forestall)出现在集合中:

Fichas del libro - "The Man Outside" (Evelyn E. Sm...
Fichas del libro - "Brotherly House" (Grace S. Ric...
Fichas del libro - "The Truce of God" (Mary Robert...
Fichas del libro - "The American Missionary -- Vol...
Fichas del libro - "God Outlines of the new theolo...