When I saw the ghost, I was so frightened that my hair stood on end.
The ghost story was terrifying.
The ghost vanished suddenly.
Satan's ghost awakes.
Sure enough, the ghost appeared on the balcony.
The story tells of the ghost of someone who drowned on the banks near a small town on the Caribbean sea.
Let's hope this boat engine doesn't give up the ghost when we're halfway to Hawaii.
I had hoped to get another 50,000 miles out of my car, but it gave up the ghost on the expressway and it would cost too much to fix it.
John felt the presence of a ghost in the dark room.
They say that on Columbus Day, Christopher Columbus's ghost rises up from its grave and flies around the world, punishing the bad boys and girls who don't believe in Christopher Columbus.
The Ghost of Cock Lane is an English ghost story from the 18th century.
You didn't really see a ghost - it was only imaginary.
Few of the trippers called in at the ghost town of New York.
So the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Ghost is God. And yet they are not Three Gods, but One God.
A ghost lives in the haunted house.
英语 单词“la fantasma“(ghost)出现在集合中:
Religion and Ethics - Religión y ÉticaFichas del libro - "The Jolly Corner" (Henry James)Fichas del libro - "The Canterville Ghost" (Oscar ...Fichas del libro - "Down the Mother Lode" (Vivia H...Fichas del libro - "Ghost Beyond the Gate" (Mildre...