He is my uncle.
Is this the key your uncle is looking for?
When my uncle left for America, many people came to see him off at the airport.
He approached his uncle about lending him some money.
Roger Miller's father died when he was only one year old and his mother became sick soon after, so he was sent to live with his uncle in Erick, Oklahoma.
The prominent psychologist resembles my uncle in appearance.
Because his parents had died when he was young, his uncle brought him up.
Your uncle took these pictures, didn't he?
I was asked by my uncle what I intended to be when I graduated from college.
Whenever my uncle comes, he brings some nice things for us.
His uncle worked as a pipe fitter for 36 years, exposing him to lead, exotic gases, and other interesting chemicals.
Uncle asked: "What is three plus four?"
I owe it to my uncle that I succeeded in my business.
My uncle is a very heavy smoker; tobacco is indispensable to him.
I travelled to Tokyo right away; it was past noon when I saw my uncle.
英语 单词“el tío“(uncle)出现在集合中:
Family and Relations - Familia y RelacionesFriends and family (vocabulary) - Amigos y familia...HISZPAŃSKI W CZTERY TYGODNIE 1🇪🇸la familia y los amigosDefinite articles ·1· Family2.
Who's that guy?
He puts on a show of being impartial and unbiased, but I think he's just a guy with no opinion of his own.
Why don't you just call a spade a spade and admit that she dumped you for that American guy she met at the English school?
The man in the doorway was not an easy customer, the kind of guy all the waitresses hoped that someone else would serve.
For a healthy cheerful guy like that to get sick is like the devil getting sunstroke. Everyone is talking about it.
Every guy can say "although I'm not the greatest man in the world, I am the man who is best to you."
Dude, there's a guy running naked around our building! What's up with that?! "Eh, just another 'lucky' noob we pwn'd today. If he wasn't, he would've been doin' it downtown at noon."
What! You're still with that guy? and we answer: "What can I do! I LOVE him!"
You always ask me to join your team because you need one more guy. Come on - just once I'd like you to say it's because I alone am worth ten of them - even if it is a lie.
For a guy who was chosen by his father as the only son to be taught the secrets of this martial art, he doesn't have much of a kick.
Uh-oh, here comes another lecture. How typical. This guy has something to say about everything.
Normally, a guy who reads light novels despite not being a kid anymore is a retard, don't you think?
A guy I met in my physics class made a didgeridoo out of PVC pipe.
He's a tenacious guy who always manages to come out on top. He's the kind of guy who can turn any situation to his advantage.
I'm sure you're thinking to yourself, 'Why is this guy making such a big deal of this?' But make no mistake. This is essential.
英语 单词“el tío“(guy)出现在集合中:
1000 most common words in EnglishPeople - GentePeople - GenteEssential Vocabulary