字典 西班牙语 - 英语

español - English

arquitecto 用英语:

1. architect's architect's

This building is the architect's crowning achievement.

英语 单词“arquitecto“(architect's)出现在集合中:

Fichas del libro - "Problems in Periclean Building...
Fichas del libro - "The American Architect and Bui...
Fichas del libro - "The Art of Architecture A Poem...
Fichas del libro - "The Brochure Series of Archite...
Fichas del libro - "Ciphers For the Little Folks A...

2. architect architect

The hotel was designed by a Japanese architect.
An architect should not pretend to be an artist.
The architect designed that building.
The architect achieved worldwide fame.
He said his father was an architect and that he wanted to be one too.
An architect occupies that office.
He is the greatest architect that has ever lived.
A famous architect built this house.
She is an architect
The architect adapted the house to the needs of old people.
Why shapes are important to architects
He is the architect who planned the new shopping centre.
I want to be an architect in the future, because i have a creative mind.
The architect and client are discussing the plans for a new shopping centre.
Her mother was an architect who worked as an art teacher.

英语 单词“arquitecto“(architect)出现在集合中:

zawody z wyciagani chuja z wody
Las profesiones y oficios
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