字典 德国 - 英语

Deutsch - English

humorvoll 用英语:

1. humorously humorously

英语 单词“humorvoll“(humorously)出现在集合中:

Flashcards aus dem Buch - "If Any Man Sin" (H. A. ...
Flashcards aus dem Buch - "Narcissus" (Evelyn Scott)
Flashcards aus dem Buch - "The Pink Shop" (Fergus ...
Flashcards aus dem Buch - "Rose MacLeod" (Alice Br...
Flashcards aus dem Buch - "Caves of Terror" (Talbo...

2. humorous

What's your favorite humorous quote?
His behavior at the party was so humorous that I could not help laughing.
He began his lecture with a humorous anecdote.
He complained in a humorous way about the service.
I have to admit that it's a humorous situation.
He knows lots of humorous anecdotes and tells them on every occasion.
humorous way
humorous way/a humorous and entertaining talk
The writer is very humorous.
He is of a humorous turn of mind.
From humorous to creepy stories, like the last volume, you can enjoy various types of stories.

英语 单词“humorvoll“(humorous)出现在集合中:

Flashcards aus dem Buch - "The Slizzers" (Jerome B...
Flashcards aus dem Buch - "Phil May's Gutter-Snipe...
Flashcards aus dem Buch - "A Little Book of Bores"...
Flashcards aus dem Buch - "Piccaninnies" (Isabel M...
Flashcards aus dem Buch - "Humors Looking Glasse" ...

3. humouring

He wasn't just humouring me. Those were the eyes of someone who really understood my feelings and sympathised.

英语 单词“humorvoll“(humouring)出现在集合中:

Flashcards aus dem Buch - "The Lady From The Sea" ...
Flashcards aus dem Buch - "The Great Adventure" (A...
Flashcards aus dem Buch - "The Captiva and The Mos...
Flashcards aus dem Buch - "The Weird Sisters, Volu...
Flashcards aus dem Buch - "His Last Bow An Epilogu...