字典 德国 - 英语

Deutsch - English

aussage 用英语:

1. statement statement

Execute statements
The man's statement to the pretty girl that he was a millionaire was all eye-wash.
His untimely statement has not only let the cat out of the bag but also upset the apple cart for the peace move.
After the summit, President Mitterand said that he dissociated himself from the statement.
That would be twenty-seven words instead of four, and while the bare message of the longer statement would be understood, the persuasive force would be lost.
Aristotle maintained that women have fewer teeth than men; although he was twice married, it never occurred to him to verify this statement by examining his wives' mouths.
If the statement is true, then we will have to accept the conclusion.
Her futuristic vision helped shape the company's mission statement.
Language is unique in that any statement must start out as the creation of an individual mind.
This ruling eventually made it illegal for celebrities to make false statements of fact in advertisements.
Which of the following statements best decribes one of the key principles of software testing?
An employee files a statement when he wants to be employed.
Our recent financial statement shows that we are doing quite well
If you want to check all your financial operations, please download your statement.
The President made a statement about the economic situation of his country. The company rep made a statement about the new policy.

2. message message

Getting your message across is much more important than trying to say it exactly like a native speaker would say it.
coded message
From the menu-bar's "Reply" select "create follow-up message". The message you reply to is quoted.
That would be twenty-seven words instead of four, and while the bare message of the longer statement would be understood, the persuasive force would be lost.
When an average person sends a message in a bottle, it's just a childish fantasy. When Christopher Columbus sends a message in a bottle, the fate of an entire country is at stake.
Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been a collection of Red States and Blue States: we are, and always will be, the United States of America.
When the counter value reaches the assigned 'lucky-number' it displays a congratulatory message.
If a very large amount of memory is installed, an 'insufficient memory' error message is displayed.
Emoto Masaru believes that within ice crystals you can read a message to mankind.
I don't know what the message of "Lost" is, but I know what Twitter's is: everyone wants to be important.
For some reason the message text was corrupted, so I restored it before reading.
If I know I’m going to be late, I always phone and leave message
Today, to send a telegram in the States to anywhere in the world, all you have to do is to give the message over the telephone.
However, it captivated me and I would stare often at it, as though there was a deeper message buried within.