字典 捷克 - 英语

český jazyk - English

uklidit 用英语:

1. tidy up tidy up

Please tidy up your room now!
When you tidy up or tidy a place up, you put things back in their proper places so that everything is neat.

英语 单词“uklidit“(tidy up)出现在集合中:

Module 14 slova navíc
Mix Module 6

2. clear up clear up

Today is clear up and tonight will be clear too
If it were raining and i said "it looks as though it will soon clear up" what would i mean?
It’s supposed to clear up tonight. The sky cleared up in the afternoon.
Most colds clear up after a few days.
Could you clear up your room, please?
With the proper treatment, you can expect allergic eczema to clear up within two to three weeks.
Can I clear up one thing before we start?
it will probably clear up in a few days
I definitely think you should clear up the situation.
It finally starts to clear up.

英语 单词“uklidit“(clear up)出现在集合中:

slovicka 6 lekce

3. tidy tidy

You came up with a tidy plan.
someone who is neat or tidy always like to keep things in their right place.
He is such a tidy person. Every pot and pan is in its place.
a place, room etc that is tidy looks nice because everything has been arranged and put in the right place
my desk isn't tidy
Marius is very tidy- his shirts are always ironed.
It wasn't a tidy garden, but more like a forest.
to tidy similar to clear.
We tidy a garden.
We will tidy up our room so that Mom is satisfied.
Their flat is tidy and nicely decorated.
to have a tidy desk
How often do you tidy?
​neat and tidy. Put ​your ​clothes away tidily.
Your room will start to look tidy straight away if you pick your clothes up off the floor.