500 most important German verbs 301 - 325

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to raise
We're planning to raise our employees' wages.
auch: steigern/ anheben
Wir planen, die Löhne unserer Arbeiter zu erhöhen.
to doubt
also: to question
How can you doubt that?
[be] zweifeln
auch: Zweifel haben/ misstrauen
Wie kannst du das bezweifeln?
to boil
also: to cook
Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
Wasser kocht bei 100 Grad Celsius.
to be silent
also: to keep quiet
Is she always so silent?
Schweigt sie immer so?
to fall in love
Do you think that he has fallen in love with her?
sich verlieben
Denkst du, dass er sich in sie verliebt hat?
to stretch
Always stretch after training.
sich [aus] strecken
auch: sich dehnen
Streck dich immer nach dem Training.
to get on
We'll get on the train in Munich.
Wir steigen in einen Zug in München ein.
+18 词汇卡
"German Words: Top 500 Verbs"
(总计 500 词汇卡)

Have you mastered all top 500 German Verbs yet? You never know, these verbs could help you save the world. Verbs are very important to learn in every language. If you have mastered this list of German verbs, then perhaps you should visit the German words page. There are many different categories and nearly 800 words for you to learn. If you wish to learn German, remember to set aside at least 30 minutes per day and 3 times per week or more to learning German. The verbs sein (to be) and haben (to have) are two of the most common verbs in German and therefore you must memorize their forms. Sein and haben are the infinitive forms of the verbs. Unlike many other foreign languages, German requires very little memorization when it comes to conjugating regular verbs. Once you’ve mastered the regular verbs in the present tense, you can begin learning irregular verbs and moving on to the past and future tenses. Conjugated verbs are verbs which have been changed to communicate one or more of the following: person, number, gender, tense, aspect, mood, or voice. The best way to start learning German verb conjugation is to begin with regular verbs in the present tense. Fortunately for English speakers, German verb conjugation is not as complicated as it appears at first glance and 90% of German verbs are regular and can be conjugated using one of four possible endings. This is a short list of 300-325 German verbs out of Top 500 German verbs useful for the beginner.
